奇恩设计 AG × Design |这个宠物街区有点东西
Bustling cities heighten the sense of distance
Some gentle company came into life
Slowly pets are very important to us
Project introduction · 项目介绍
Model figure · 模型图
设计以“Z时代”为核心考量,打破空间界限创造无界交融,当我们站在当下时代的注脚打量,能感受到许多不同空间的交错感,既有过去也有未来。跨越时空的 束缚,将古代文明与未来时空元素植入空间中进行二次创作,试图还原一个多时空交错的复合空间。 The design takes the "Z era" as the core consideration, breaking the spatial boundaries to create borderless integration. When we stand in the footnote of the current era, we can feel the sense of interlacing of many different Spaces, both ancient and future.
Layout · 平面布局
( 公区平面布局图 ) ( 宠物板块平面布局图 )
亮丽鲜艳的颜色可以表现出与浅色不同的氛围,宠物店则需要格外考虑让小动物感到安定的颜色。店内保证充足的灯光照射可以极大的提高购物体验,丰富视觉感觉,方便通过眼睛获取更多信息。 Bright and vibrant colors can create a different atmosphere from light colors, and pet stores need to think about calming colors for animals. Ensure adequate lighting in the store can greatly improve the shopping experience, enrich the visual sense, and facilitate the acquisition of more information through the eyes.
根据每个空间的功能用途和空间逻辑,将场地精心划分为多个区域,包括宠物食品和用品零售、服装定制、培训等等。 Based on the functional use and spatial logic of each space, the site is carefully divided into multiple areas, including pet food and supplies retail, boarding and care, training, and more.
▼过道 ▼多功能厅
多功能厅采用实木与灰色微水泥的搭配,营造出极简温暖的空间质感,温暖的色调和质感也更容易被宠物和人接受。 The multi-function hall uses the combination of solid wood and gray micro-cement to create a simple and warm space texture. The warm tone and texture are easier to be accepted by pets and people.
寄养区和美容洗护区,主人可以通过窗口对正在洗护的宠物进行观察,或在外等待。开放式的设计增强了宠物和人之间的互动指数。 Beauty cleaning area, the owner can observe the pet being washed through the window, or wait outside. The open design enhances the interaction index between pets and humans.
消费空间应以丰富的、诱人的旅程来吸引客人。这是宠这里的设计精髓。走进宠这里,可感知的设计细节和微妙的场景区分,一场时尚休闲之旅将在里面展开。 The consumption space should attract guests with rich and inviting Tours. That's the essence of the design here. Enter the era of pet here, palpable design details and subtle scenes, a fashion journey will unfold inside.
项目负责人 / 李婍婷 编辑 / 马阳静 郑雨青
# 往期推荐 # PAST RECOMMANDATION Diverse creative design services
| 提供服务 奇恩设计是一家专业的室内设计多元创意设计服务机构,项目涵盖居住空间和商业空间两大设计板块。致力于从方案设计、项目实施跟踪、软装搭配全方位精心服务。除此之外,奇恩设计希望能够通过不断地与空间对话,深入了解空间需求,进而创造和制作出适应空间的精选物件。
| 居住空间 奇恩设计团队专注于定制空间设计,通过温度表达将屋主故事与空间连接。适应大众审美的同时,更加差异化的表达个性家居设计。
| 商业空间 奇恩设计团队拥有专业设计视野,具备通过挖掘城市文化基因和项目自身特性,打造出独具魅力的商业空间。体现风格差异却不乏本土化、国际化、精细化、主题化的空间类型。